
26 Mar 2013 Prof. Kevin H. Knuth was invited to speak at the Santa Fe Institute. His talk titled: Information-Based Physics: An Intelligent Embedded Agent's Guide to the Universe. can be watched here: (Slides) and (Video)
Presented to the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe NM on 26 Mar 2013.

Sep 15 2012 KnuthLab?'s Autonomous Robotic Exploration research was featured on NHK Worldnet (Japan Broadcasting Company). 2012. Explore the mysteries of Martian Curiosity (キュリオシティ 火星の謎を探る).// Aired in Japan on 15 Sept 2012.

4 June 4 2010
Scientific American's Observations column
Prof. Kevin H. Knuth's talk at the Laws of Nature: Their Nature and Knowability Workshop at the Perimeter Institute was mentioned in Scientific American's Observations column. The talk can be seen at pirsa. This is in reference to the work that I have performed with my student Newshaw Bahreyni on deriving special relativity from causal relationships among events. Our paper can be found at arXiv:1005.4172v1 [math-ph]. In addition, Philip Goyal's talk was also mentioned, which is joint work with Knuth as well. Our joint paper can be found at arXiv:0907.0909v3 [quant-ph].